Saturday, August 20, 2011


Yesterday, I worked an earlier shift and had enough time to run my errands but unfortunately by the time I got home it was pouring down raining. I took a nap for about a hour, looked out the window and saw it finally stopped. I decided this will be the perfect time to build my new book shelf. I walked outside to my car, pulled the heavy box out my trunk and tried to put it in my shopping cart.

The box was soooo heavy that I couldn't lift it on the ground, I thought if I only I had a male next to me I would have him carry it my apt for me. BUT, being the independent girl that I am, I tried it again and still could not lift this heavy box.

I placed the box on the ground and then laid the shopping cart on the ground in front of it and tried to push the box in it but still to no avail. I thought maybe I should drag the box to my apt and tried that but it was making tooo much noise.

SOOO, I decided to open the box, take out the pieces and then placed it in my cart to make my box lighter. I figured two trips will be enough.

I dragged the cart up my steps, went into my apt and took out the wood one by one, being entirely too anxious to start building my shelf, I grabbed the piece and don't know how but pushed it against my leg, I felt a bruise. I didn't think it would be that bad but when I looked I witnessed a big bruise on my right leg :(

I went back outside for what was suppose to be the last run, took the box and placed the rest of the wood back in my trunk. I should of known I couldn't do this by myself,,,,but I was worth MY BRUISE!!

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